Tenant Services

Best Services to Tenants

At Sunrise, renting a property can always give you more pleasurable events.
sunrise property real advertising

100% Real property, real advertising

We guarantee that our property advertising reflects real property condition! Based on your requirements, we help you find the right homes from our listings. We can also advise you in your new home. You get what you see.

sunrise property comfort house


We select rental properties that we would want to live inside! You want a nice home where you and your family can live comfortably.

sunrise property next generation image


Education determines the fate of the next generation! We can’t change the fact that Auckland high-quality education resources concentrate on limited areas. No worries, we have strong relationships with top-class school zone property owners.

sunrise property work life balance

Work-life balance

If you live in a property close to your workplace, absolutely can save time on the road as the traffic problem is serious in Auckland during peak hours. Then you can spend more time with your family and enjoy the time after work.

sunrise property financial management

Reasonable rent charge

You get what you pay! The market rent guides landlords to charge tenants reasonably. Our listing property rents are similar to the rent charged or similar properties in similar areas.

sunrise property maintenance & Emergency repairs

Fast response on maintenance and emergency

We keep small problems from getting bigger! What happens if the toilet can’t be flushed on a Sunday morning? It’s not fair or reasonable to tell a tenant to wait until Monday morning before it can be fixed. Our agents will handle any emergency. We have established an extensive network with trustworthy maintenance personnel.